Stop Worrying About It - Dr. Diva Verdun

Stop Worrying About It!

The outcomes you seek are never positively impacted to bring about the changes you desire through the time you spend worrying about the problem.  When you find yourself in the midst of a problem or conflict the first response is fear.  By allowing your fear to take control of you, the problem begins to dig deeper creating more worry, anxiety and pain.

Stop Worrying About It - Dr. Diva VerdunWorry is not your natural state of BEING.  PEACE IS!  Everything that exist comes from the PEACE of BEING.  Peace is not in emotional conflict and turmoil with ITself.  The Universe is always in a constant state of peaceful BEINGness, creating more and more out of ITself in Divine and Perfect Order.

Worry blocks your channels to step into the POWER of your own BEINGness to come into the answers you seek to resolve your problems and issues.  In the midst of Peace, the answers you seek seem to simply come about easily, as they are spoken softly into your soul.  You can’t hear the small voice speaking to you from within when your mind is in the midst of worry, anxiety, fear and turmoil.

We live in a worry based society.  Everyone is worried about one thing happening or not happening.  In most cases the things that you worry about will never ever come to pass. Thus, imagine how much of your time you are wasting worrying about something that may never happen when you could be at peace within knowing that what you desire to happen is coming to pass.

Worry blocks the solutions you seek and delays the timing of the manifestation of your good.  The things you are going through are merely moving you out of one space and into a new one for whatever reason.  This reason could be because you asked for change in your experience.  You wanted a new job, a new career, a new car, a new lover, a new home, etc… The Universe must clear the path for you to move into the new manifestation you desire by leveling your emotional, mental and spiritual foundation in order to build you up.

In many cases you are not prepared for the change that happens that creates temporary upheaval in your experience while things are being aligned to bring you forward into the blessing you asked Spirit for.  By worrying you shortchange your blessing by staying stuck in anxiety, fear and turmoil.

While you are worrying about how to keep things together or to keep them the same, Spirit is moving you out of your comfort zone into the blessing you have been praying for. The pain you are suffering through is a result of the necessary changes to bring about your blessing.

Therefore do not worry about tomorrow, for tomorrow will worry about itself. Each day has enough trouble of its own. ~Matthew 6:34

Stop Worrying About It - Dr. Diva VerdunStop worrying about what will happen tomorrow.  Tomorrow is not here yet.  You have all of today to sit in the peace that will birth new ideas and directions in your mind that will automatically grant you all the POWER you need tomorrow to resolve all your problems.

Stop worrying and start celebrating when you experience problems. It sounds crazy, but it is what brings about the peace necessary to still worry and anxiety so that you are free to trust Spirit to bring forth your blessing.  You are celebrating because you realize that you are experiencing conflict, problems and issues because of the clearing that is taking place on your way to the glory of the desires of your heart.

Get peaceful and KNOW your blessing is forthcoming. The more peaceful you get about your problems, the more answers and solutions you have to resolve the problem now.

Don’t worry!



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